ruebenwafco's Diaryland Diary


NADS- 1-800-592-1551

commercials on cable tv are silly. there is this new product (or maybe old) called NADS. now i only know of one kind of nads and those are the ones between my legs. NADS supposedly removes unwanted hair anywhere. for $29.95 + shipping and handling, you can get the NADS cream, NADS soap, NADS gel, NADS video, wild for women stamina pills (i guess their form of viagara), and weight loss pills.

comment: how many idiots you think called and ordered NADS? lets all do our part to voice our concerns to the NADS operators by calling them and telling them that they can suck your nads for free + shipping and handling of course! that number is 1-800-592-1551. grow some nads, call today!

- 2001-07-08


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