ruebenwafco's Diaryland Diary


2001-12-27 - or maybe my mother ruined me.
2001-12-26 - i shouldnt end that with a preposition....but fuck it!
2001-12-18 - its all in how you look at it?
2001-12-17 - am i brainwashed?
2001-12-16 - im leaving you...\"do as you wish.\"
2001-12-12 - sounds like something i read.
2001-12-11 - ode to most of my twenties
2001-12-07 - read it again and again...
2001-12-05 - mundane.
2001-12-03 - the big fat ones especially...
2001-12-02 - ode to scotty
2001-11-28 - which emotion do you live?
2001-11-27 - what will i do with all my free time now?
2001-11-26 - but im not saying that its wrong.
2001-11-22 - i didnt want death to pass me by.
2001-11-20 - think about that.
2001-11-19 - qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
2001-11-16 - its been a long hard day, and i been working like a dog...
2001-11-14 - thats my story, and im sticking to it
2001-11-13 - do women go through mid life crisisis?
2001-11-12 - there's no more to bite.
2001-11-11 - no, this is not directed at you!
2001-11-08 - damned if you do...damned if you dont!
2001-11-08 - i need a new life.
2001-11-03 - because her lipstick.
2001-11-02 - id rather say what i have to say and then get off
2001-10-31 - its the only thing i have in surplus this year.
2001-10-30 - when mama aint happy, aint nobody happy!
2001-10-26 - they design their web strategically.
2001-10-25 - dose me with xanax!
2001-10-23 - im paranoid that too many know me here.
2001-10-22 - maybe hes showing his appreciation?
2001-10-21 - we are not birds.
2001-10-19 - you create the subject.
2001-10-17 - if they did, id replace them today.
2001-10-14 - its not the heart, but the head.
2001-10-13 - another state is so far away
2001-10-13 - invasion by mistake by s-dawgbreal
2001-10-13 - the night another Chris made me lose my mind
2001-10-12 - paranoia, self destroyia!
2001-10-11 - times have changed.
2001-10-10 - lo siento.
2001-10-09 - deep shit.
2001-10-04 - 1991, 2002, 2112, etc.
2001-10-03 - shouldn't august be called october?
2001-10-02 - i need to see my shrink.
2001-10-01 - i want a pumpkin to go on my front porch.
2001-09-28 - but i still smoked a cigarette first thing that morning?
2001-09-27 - is a butterfly an insect?
2001-09-26 - its too stessful figuring it all out...
2001-09-25 - i cant see who it is, so i dont answer.
2001-09-24 - i want it handed to me
2001-09-22 - you really get to know yourself well this way.
2001-09-21 - if not, im ready to volunteer to go there.
2001-09-20 - cant we all just be americans?
2001-09-18 - it doesnt seem fair?
2001-09-17 - nothing whorthwhile was ever easy.
2001-09-16 - in fact, when i know they are watching i put on an even bigger production
2001-09-15 - so, if you think about it, youre always prepared
2001-09-14 - time after time.
2001-09-13 - i cant seem to think of anything else to say?
2001-09-12 - no need for a subject.
2001-09-11 - and so far, he has done what he said he'd do.
2001-09-10 - thanks chris K.
2001-09-09 - just thinking about that?
2001-09-07 - a little morbid, i know!
2001-09-05 - in this case, i guess its diaryland.
2001-08-30 - i got things to do.
2001-08-29 - all in favor say i
2001-08-28 - did he come up with all the wrods in the dictionary?
2001-08-27 - is there anyone out there?
2001-08-26 - but im asking now...
2001-08-25 - i guess with media around its a concern whether you are 10 or 100.
2001-08-24 - who sang that?
2001-08-23 - say, say, say.
2001-08-22 - should my therapist be aware of this?
2001-08-21 - or does it not matter?
2001-08-20 - when can i retire?
2001-08-19 - i will take advantage of an open bar.
2001-08-18 - or at least i think it was by accident.
2001-08-17 - is this a dis to me?
2001-08-16 - human error.
2001-08-15 - dancer in the dark
2001-08-14 - i think its a southern thing.
2001-08-13 - washington, dc
2001-08-12 - 28
2001-08-10 - i guess that wasnt in the parent handbook.
2001-08-09 - i wanna wake up in a city that never sleeps.
2001-08-08 - i have nothing but an account number.
2001-08-04 - hang in there edwige, the loss of a significant love is painful.
2001-08-03 - its these moments that ill someday miss
2001-08-02 - 867-5309
2001-08-01 - anxiety, adhd, diabetes, cancer.
2001-07-30 - 4 a.m.
2001-07-29 - some good, some bad
2001-07-27 - i also liked to watch them burn.
2001-07-26 - you have to clean your plate...
2001-07-25 - im gonna start using it because it sounds more positive.
2001-07-23 - if you're wondering
2001-07-20 - then why does he snuggle in the bed with me??
2001-07-19 - al pachino is perfect in the movie
2001-07-18 - techonolgy makes me happy sometimes.
2001-07-18 - im back from vacation.
2001-07-14 - thanks scotty.
2001-07-12 - i'd like for people to talk about me calling me the town drunk.
2001-07-11 - shitfuckdamn
2001-07-10 - you will have to look at my topic title for april 11, 2001 to figure out what i have done.
2001-07-09 - beware of the 5,000 piece puzzle
2001-07-08 - NADS- 1-800-592-1551
2001-07-07 - so many possibilities for a title for this entry.
2001-07-06 - can you break a cycle?
2001-07-06 - plato's trials and tribulations
2001-07-05 - at least we have the same taste in music.
2001-07-04 - john hancock
2001-07-03 - same goes for relationships
2001-07-02 - that's why i argue pot is non-addictive and is my drug of choice.
2001-07-01 - wonder if the dmv would allow that one?
2001-06-30 - how can you justify uprooting a perfectly healthy tree?
2001-06-29 - id watch that.
2001-06-28 - its a scam to get yo money...
2001-06-28 - i could go on and on...but ive grown tired...
2001-06-27 - like when i smoke a cig after a meal or when i get hard at the computer
2001-06-26 - i think too much.
2001-06-25 - sign of cancer
2001-06-25 - i used to hate when my parents said it.
2001-06-25 - there's something happening here...what it is ain't exactly clear.
2001-06-22 - ode to erica tre'
2001-06-21 - sometimes you feel like a nut.
2001-06-20 - why do you feel the need to tell me that?
2001-06-19 - that's my family.
2001-06-18 - either way, work sucks!
2001-06-17 - but im quick to say i can't look at it...but i still do.
2001-06-16 - and the dog was running craziely around the yard...
2001-06-15 - mugshots
2001-06-14 - igpay stinlay.
2001-06-13 - purple rain backwards has do the beatles.
2001-06-12 - resolve.
2001-06-11 - mr. big and jazz singers
2001-06-10 - opposites are closer than they may appear.
2001-06-09 - this can only mean one overnight guest.
2001-06-08 - the truth about them
2001-06-07 - eventually my mom found out and locked me inside the house...
2001-06-06 - in public anyway...
2001-06-04 - Virginia is on my mind tonight.
2001-06-04 - morning routine
2001-06-03 - self-mutilation
2001-06-02 - i wonder?
2001-06-01 - don't wanna go there
2001-05-31 - it's never as bad as it seems...
2001-05-30 - i smile, but the rage is inside.
2001-05-29 - they have the same face
2001-05-28 - im a peasant in my home.
2001-05-27 - it's usually when i'm in a confined place
2001-05-26 - jd salinger
2001-05-25 - i wonder if heaven got a ghetto?
2001-05-24 - all are technological advances
2001-05-23 - myself included
2001-05-22 - those people are evil
2001-05-21 - some people laugh at my cd collection.
2001-05-20 - this is not a public facility
2001-05-19 - no forwarding address
2001-05-17 - boot camp? should be embarrassed...survivor invented the formula first.
2001-05-15 - and the funny thing was when my dad tried to pull them apart...
2001-05-15 - also makes it easy to pick up and leave
2001-05-14 - hanna barabara
2001-05-13 - does it end in -el or -le?
2001-05-13 - mike's dismissal
2001-05-11 - plastic shovels and buckets
2001-05-10 - they irritate me
2001-05-09 - there must be some explanation
2001-05-08 - but really they have no life, so what ya gonna do?
2001-05-08 - i'm not the church going type, but come on...
2001-05-06 -
2001-05-05 - providence?
2001-05-05 - mars? venus?
2001-05-04 - but i usually just end up going.
2001-05-03 - cuz guys don't...
2001-05-02 - where are they now?
2001-05-01 - i like to imagine who wrote it
2001-04-30 - and it's just the beginning of dave's summer tour.
2001-04-29 - there's no need for your 'tude...
2001-04-28 - im tired of all the pretention that goes along with night clubs in my town...
2001-04-26 - my vices are getting too expensive
2001-04-25 - and i still need to clean my house.
2001-04-25 - only the good die young
2001-04-23 - postcards from austin
2001-04-22 - who ever they are...
2001-04-21 - taurus
2001-04-20 - i know my dad used to have a crush on her.
2001-04-18 - and not necessarily in that order...
2001-04-18 - i need a new job.
2001-04-17 - mother's day
2001-04-16 - sex and history lessons
2001-04-15 - do you get what im saying or am i too stoned?
2001-04-14 - does this include russia as well?
2001-04-12 - 1983
2001-04-12 - jack and club
2001-04-11 - a mark or design made on the skin by pricking and ingraining an indelible dye.
2001-04-10 - reality killed the prime time star
2001-04-09 - gladyis kravitz (the neighbor from bewitched)
2001-04-07 - should i have a 3-way?
2001-04-07 - margaranax!
2001-04-05 - hypochondriac?
2001-04-04 - greenboro mark
2001-04-04 - impossible
2001-04-02 - and i touch you with these same hands...
2001-03-31 - do i have a co-dependent relationship with my dog?
2001-03-30 - i'd wait for that part
2001-03-29 - but not necessarily lonely.
2001-03-27 - should i make sum changes?
2001-03-25 - aol
2001-03-24 - 4:20
2001-03-23 - jeremy spoke in class today...
2001-03-22 - why am i being stopped officer?
2001-03-21 - lil' wo
2001-03-20 - why did i tell you that?
Monday, March 19, 2001 - the bridge, pa
2001-03-16 - dmb
2001-03-15 - adegkudirrwr
2001-03-13 - it's a good shot
2001-03-12 - why it should be legal
2001-03-10 - the opposite of sex
2001-03-09 - i'm not relationship material
2001-03-07 - this world sucks!
2001-03-07 - my mind
2001-03-06 - fluids
2001-03-04 - toothless crack whore
2001-03-01 - recluse
2001-02-27 - 8mm
2001-02-25 - movie critics
2001-02-23 - 2am thursday nite
2001-02-22 - take this job and shove it.
2001-02-19 - the 4 basic food groups?
2001-02-18 - wish i'd been to a dead show
2001-02-18 - lsd
2001-02-18 - to diary land


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